
The IN FLOW consortium can not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in it, despite the great care taken in the preparation and drafting of this site. It is also possible that this information contains typing errors, technical errors and other inaccuracies for which the IN FLOW consortium can not be held responsible.

The content of the websites reproduced in hypertext links by this site does not engage the responsibility of the IN FLOW consortium. However, he undertakes to remove as soon as possible the hyperlink to a site on which he would learn that the content is illegal.

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The IN FLOW consortium can not be held responsible for interruptions of transmission or other technical problems affecting the Internet.

The IN FLOW consortium reserves the right to modify or update at any time the information contained on this site and these legal notices without prior notice.

Intellectual Property

All the elements of this site are the property of the IN FLOW consortium, which also holds copyright, neighboring rights and database rights, as transferee or producer (of audiovisual works, audio and databases). In addition, the IN FLOW consortium holds the figurative mark representing its logo.

Site elements include photographs, articles and other texts, drawings, logos, soundtracks, films and other animations, lay-outs, etc.

The IN FLOW consortium submits to its express written authorization any reproduction, communication, or modification of one or more elements of the site on any type of support by any user, with the exception of reproductions made either for private consultations or for the purpose of teaching or research.

The IN FLOW consortium recognizes the full application of the legal exceptions defined in the Code of Economic Law. In the context of these exceptions, users must, however, mention the origin of the elements they reproduce (ie the address of the site "", the name IN FLOW, the author if he is mentioned on the site, the possible title of the reproduced element) and must respect the moral rights of the author, or authors concerned, that the IN FLOW consortium intends to enforce.

The IN FLOW consortium authorizes the user of the site to create a simple hypertext link to this site provided that the external site referencing this site does not contain any slanderous or other illegal content, and excluding the use of deep linking, framing and inlining techniques.

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The persons represented and identifiable on this site have authorized the IN FLOW consortium to reproduce their image on this site only. Any reproduction or other use of the image of a person represented on this site is forbidden to any user except to obtain from this person an express written authorization.

Private life

The IN FLOW consortium intends to respect the Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data and the relevant European regulations.

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Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any use of this site is subject to Belgian law.

Any dispute relating to the use of this site or its contents falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Liège.


For any questions or comments concerning this site, the IN FLOW consortium invites the user to send an e-mail to the IN FLOW Coordination Office: &

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